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Translations and other services

The Hellenic American Union Center for Examinations and Certifications can accommodate candidate requests such as the following: 

  • Authorization of copies of certificates (administrative costs apply, the original certificate is required)
  • Translation of certificates (administrative costs apply, the original certificate is required, processing time: 2 working days )
  • Certificate of successful participation in examinations (administrative costs apply)
  • Certificate of participation in examinations (free of charge)
  • Certificate of registration in examinations (free of charge)

The services mentioned above, are provided in the following ways:

  1. In person, from Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm, from the Results and Certifications Office, Massalias 22, 10680, Athens.
  2. Certificate shipment via courier service. The following are required:
  • Original certificate.
  • The relevant application form, completed and signed.
  • Photocopy of your ID card or passport or any other legal document of identification (certificate of identity “tautoprosopia” containing a photograph stamped by a Public Authority or a driver’s license).
  • A copy of the bank transfer.

The estimated processing time of your shipping request is five (5) working days approximately.

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