Learn JavaScript, React and Automation Testing from professionals and active members of the Ministry of Testing Athens
The Hellenic American Union announces a new series of seminars/workshops for Software Developers, Web Developers and Software Testers.
We partner with experienced professionals, mentors, and members of the Ministry of Testing Athens - the largest global network of Software Testers
In the field of software development, the "magic" word is efficiency. Efficiency in being able to write clean, functional code, develop applications quickly and continuously improve your skills through new technologies and best practices.
Software development and automation testing is now one of the hottest professional fields, requiring cutting-edge knowledge and practical skills that can make a real difference to productivity and efficiency. Today, the requirements for a software developer or automation tester don't just stop at understanding the basics. Becoming a sought-ater succesful developer and tester requires the following:
- Extensive knowledge of modern technologies and tools such as JavaScript and React, as well as an understanding of the principles for creating high-quality code
- Access to best practices of clean and scalable code and examples of code that can be directly applied
- Troubleshooting excellence with the ability to analyze, identify and find efficient solutions whether it be debugging or developing new functionality
- Investing in learning new languages, frameworks and tools that can improve and automate the software development process
- Expertise in testing & debugging techniques, test automation to ensure software quality
All these and many more "secret ingredients" were considered when developing our new JavaScript Masterclass, React Masterclass and Automation Testing Masterclass, a series of seminars by the Hellenic American Union in collaboration with the experts from the Ministry of Testing Athens. With instructors with extensive professional experience and expertise, these seminars offer unique hands-on training with immediate results for developers and testers who want to advance their careers.
Our students gain direct access to the great community and benefits of Ministry of Testing Athens. MOTA is the largest international networking, awareness and education organization for Software Testers worldwide.
See our new courses:
- JavaScript Masterclass - starts 14 October 2024 (30 hours)
- React Masterclass -starts 20 January 2025 (30 hours)
- SoftwareTesting & Automation Masterclass - starts 4 November, 2024 (48 hours)
Mark your calendars: On October 8, at the Hellenic American Union Theater, we presesnt together with our instructors all 3 programs, and we will also discuss new developments and best practices.
For more information, contact training@hau.gr