The Hellenic American Union has a long record of forging successful and enduring partnerships.
We cooperate with internationally renowned testing, certification, and training organizations but also less well-known but pioneering or entrepreneurial (start-up) organizations and venues. We collaborate with visual artists, thinkers, writers, poets, and other creatives in designing our program of cultural events. And we recruit and work with rigorously qualified instructors and talented textbook authors to teach our courses and write our books.
We also partner with other cultural and educational institutions, public agencies, private foundations, and cultural centers in the United States, Europe, and Greece. Here are some of the organizations with which we currently collaborate in our cultural, educational, and certification programs.
Michigan Language Assessment is a joint venture between Cambridge Assessment English and the University of Michigan. It develops internationally recognized English language tests such as the Examinations for the Certificates of Competency and Proficiency in English (ECCE and ECPE, respectively), the Michigan English Test (MET) and Michigan Young Learners English (MYLE). The Hellenic American Union is the official and exclusive representative for all these tests in Greece and the Balkans.

Cambridge University Press & Assessment develops internationally recognised English language tests such as the B2 First for Schools (FCE), C1 Advanced (CAE), C2 Proficiency (CPE), A2 Key (KET) for Schools, B1 Preliminary (PET) for Schools, and Pre-A1/A2 Young Learners (YLE), and publishes a wide range of English language learning and exam preparation book series. The Hellenic American Union is a platinum partner and representative for all these tests in Greece and the Balkans, and a main distributor of the Cambridge University Press publications in the country.

The Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) is the largest, most important independent employer association in Greece, representing roughly 50% of the country’s economic activity. The HAU and SEV are cooperating in research activities and the design and delivery of joint certificate training programs in exports and sales.
The Hellenic American University Office for Language Assessment develops two suites of English: one suite of tests for young learners– the School Tests for Young Learners of English (STYLE)—and another for adolescents and adults – the Basic Communication Certificate in English (BCCE™), the Assessment Board for Language Examinations: Level B2 (ABLE B2), and the Advanced Level Certificate in English (ALCE™) at C1 level. The HAU is the official and exclusive representative for all these tests.

Athens Culture Net is a collaborative network between the city’s cultural institutions that provides a forum for arts leaders to build relationships, share resources, and develop joint programming. HAU has been a member of the Athens Culture Net since its founding.
ETS develops and administers more than 12 million tests worldwide, among which the TOEFL, GMAT, GRE, SAT and TOEIC. The HAU has been the sole representative for the TOEIC in Greece since 2000.

The HAU is an official examination center for the national certificate of Modern Greek, which has been developed by the Center for the Greek Language, a non-profit organization supervised by the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.

In 2002, the Hellenic American Union, with the backing of Global Business Management Consultants, an international consulting firm specializing in Project Management training and consultation, introduced the Center of Excellence in Project Management, offering a variety of project management trainings, certification prep courses and events.
GrowthRocks is one of the premium growth marketing agencies in the world. HAU and Growthrocks have worked together to develop a unique training portfolio on Growth Marketing trainings, such as the Growth Hacking Academy, SEO and Content Marketing Academy programs.
The HAU has historic ties with the Information Systems and Control Association’s Athens Chapter. It was the first and only paper-based testing center for ISACA’s certifications for over 25 years.

The Center for Applied Linguistics & Language Studies of the Hellenic American Union features among the selected few private educational Institutions that the Department of English Language & Literature of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) has appointed as a partner in its practice teaching and mentorship program addressing senior university students.

The Hellenic American Union partners with the Instituto Cervantes de Atenas on cultural projects, such as the joint organization of the European Literary Translation Prizes and the annual series of Spanish film screenings

The HAU is an authorized VUE Testing Center and administers certification examinations for companies such as Microsoft, Cisco, Sun Microsystems - SAI, CompTIA, IBM, VMware, Adobe and many other testing programs.

Since 2006, the Hellenic American Union has been collaborating with Comicdom Press on various events, the largest of which being the comic book celebration, Comicdom Con Athens with over 15,000 visitors annually.

In cooperation with Banking Risk Training, a UK-based niche risk training and consultancy company, the HAU offers courses to help participants gain an overview of the field, advance their knowledge, and prepare for GARP certification.

PM² Alliance is the organization that promotes the PM² Certifications of the European Commission. PM² Alliance is an international member-driven and volunteered non-profit organization, founded by PM² certified practitioners. HAU is a PM² Accredited Training Organization authorized to offer PM² certification preparation trainings.
HAU works with ES Learning, an international consulting and training services company based in Riyadh, which is an Authorized Training Organization (ATO) of ISACA International. ES-Learning based in Riyadh, specializes in capacity building and training, by providing specialized workshops and programs in the following areas: Business Process Management, Facilitation through Trainings, Quality & Performance Management, Services Design, Strategy. As ISACA'S ATOs, our partners meet ISACA's high training standards and courses offered in co-operation with ES Learninng make sure you get the most up to date training.
HAU collaborates with Accelerate Growth, a highly specialized consulting firm helping start-up founders, business owners, sales leaders, and solo-preneurs in B2B Sales Management. HAU offers in co-operation with Accelerate Growth a specialized course B2B Sales Academy.

Attica Media Group is nowadays one of the most powerful and dynamic companies in the Greek media field, having a leading role in the digital, magazine and radio market. Attica Media Group supports a variety of training programs of the Hellenic American Union and sponsors several events.

Ministry of Testing is a community of 75,000+ software testing and quality professionals. Greek community has about 2,000 members. MOT moves the software testing craft forward and HAU is a proud supporter of this community in Greece hosting many of their events and meetups.

The Lifelong Educational Centre of the Hellenic-American Union is a Certified Training Organization and has successfully implemented a great number of subsidized programs for unemployed and employed trainees, in association with the Greek Public Employment Service (D.YP.A). It also participates in all European – Greek projects, in reinforcing human capital.

The Center for Applied Linguistics & Language Studies (CALLS) of the Hellenic American Union partners with Across Cultures, an educational consultancy organization providing teacher guidance and blended learning resources to support learners with English as an Additional Language (EAL) as well as learners with low levels of literacy or Special Educational Needs (SEN) both in UK and in international schools. In a spirit of mutual collaboration and commitment to novelty, CALLS and AssessEP worked closely together on a large-scale implementation of the latter’s online English proficiency assessment platform.

ZIM is a professional body established to regulate, promote, uphold and improve the standards of training, practice and professional competence of persons and organizations engaged in marketing and advertising in Zambia. Hellenic American Union is collaborating with ZIM and offers in Zambia online training programs in Growth Marketing.