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Russian Invasion of Ukraine:
The New World


Hellenic American Union Theater

Geostrategy – Economy – Church – Food:  The Hellenic American Union opens a conversation on the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on our lives

We don’t need to wait for tomorrow’s historian to tell us that after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, our world is now divided into the one we knew before February 24 and the one that has come “post February 24”…

With every passing day, this rupture becomes more painful and threatening for the happiness, health, and life of almost every one of the planet’s eight billion inhabitants. It certainly concerns us Greeks as well. These global and domestic repercussions will be discussed by the speakers in this evening’s event.


Dora Bakoyannis, MP, Vice President of the Council of Europe, former Foreign Minister
Yannis Maniatis, Professor at the University of Piraeus, former Minister of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change
Dimitris Kairidis, Professor of International Relations at Panteion University, MP (New Democracy – Northern Athens)
Alexandros Massavetas, Journalist-author

The event is moderated by journalist-writer Makis Provatas.

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