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Receipt/Shipping of original certificates

Language School Owners and teachers of English

  • The Hellenic American Union Center for Examinations and Certifications ships the Hellenic American University STYLE, BCCE™, ABLE B2 and ALCE™ certificates as soon as the test developer makes them available.
  • Shipping is done by courier service and is free of charge.
  • Certificates are delivered to candidates care of the Language School Owner or teacher who has registered the candidates.

Individual candidates

Individual candidates are promptly notified about the issuing of their certificate. Upon notification, candidates receive their certificates by one of the following ways:

Individual candidates taking the exam in Athens

  1. Certificate receipt in person 

Individual candidates can receive their certificates by visiting our offices, from Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm, from the Results and Certifications Office, Massalias 22, 10680, Athens, presenting their identity card, passport, driving licence or temporary identity card (‘tautoprosopia’ with a stamped photo) from the official authority. The certificate receipt by a third party requires the following:

  • First-degree relative: Candidate’s and recipient's IDs
  • Any third party: Recipient's ID, authorization via and a photocopy of the candidate’s ID
  1. Certificate shipment via courier service

Individual candidates receive their certificates via courier service free of charge. Candidates are promptly notified before their certificate is shipped. To receive a certificate that has not been shipped, follow the procedure below: 

  • Download, complete, and sign the relevant application form.
  • Forward the completed application together with a photocopy of your ID card or passport or any other legal document of identification (certification of identity “tautoprosopia” containing a photograph stamped by a Public Authority or a driver’s license) using one of the following ways: 
    • By mail: Didotou 15, 10680 Athens or Fragkon 14, 54626 Thessaloniki
    • By email:
  • Shipping is fulfilled by courier services and it is free of charge.

Individual candidates taking the exam in provinces (i.e. excluding Athens)

Individual candidates taking the exam in a test center in the provinces (i.e. excluding Athens) receive their certificates via courier services free of charge. Candidates are promptly notified before their certificate is shipped.

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