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May 2024 ECPE: Guarantee for retake

Guarantee for retake for May 2024 ECPE test takers

We are pleased to announce that all test takers who register for the May 2024 ECPE will be able to choose between the following examination fees:

  • Fees: 202€
    • In this case, test takers who do not pass the test and who wish to resit will have to pay examination fees in full for any future ECPE administration.
  • Fees: 242€
    • In this case, test takers who do not pass the test and who wish to resit the December 2024 ECPE, will be entitled to take the December 2024 ECPE at no additional cost.

The 242€ option is part of the Hellenic American Union’s initiatives to ensure that all May 2024 ECPE test takers are given the opportunity for a second chance in obtaining the ECPE.

The following conditions concern the 242€ option which applies only to May 2024 ECPE test takers:

  • Valid only for test takers who register within the May 2024 registration period.
  • Valid only for test takers who receive ‘F’ as a final score and who wish to resit the December 2024 ECPE.
  • Not valid for test takers who pass the May 2024 ECPE and would like to improve their score in one or more test sections during the December 2024 ECPE.
  • Not valid for test takers who register for the May 2024 ECPE but do not participate in these examinations.
  • The offer is made out exclusively in names of test takers who apply for it; it is not transferable to other test takers, either partly or in full.

We hope that this option will help reduce the anxiety and stress some test takers may feel when taking the test, and enable them to perform to the best of their abilities.

If you have any questions about this option and the examination fees, please contact us at the Hellenic American Union Center for Examinations and Certifications (T: 210-3680000).

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