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Kindergarten Carnival Party 2022

After two years of online parties, the time has come to go back to parties as we know them … and this time, with real streamers, confetti, and balloons!!

And that’s how the craziest carnival party at our Roof Garden started! Our little friends put on their fanciest costumes, turned the party mode on and … danced, sang, played, smashed piñatas, and made their very own ‘crazy clowns’!

And when the end came, we found ourselves beat (Oh, did that bring back memories, or not?) and almost unable to sing another tune (Woosh, let’s dance the conga…) but more pleased than ever for there is nothing more rewarding than students’ happiness!

In looking for a line that would sum everything up, we think credit should go to our little friend:

«Miss, that was the best party ever!!» - [Thοdoris, 5 years old]

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