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Invisible tours

Tours in the centre of Athens

Inspired by our Book Club’s must-read for this year “A street cat named Bob”, written by James Bowen, we decided to take part in “Invisible Tours”.

“Invisible tours” is a social project run by the Greek street paper “Shedia”. The tours take place in the centre of Athens and are led by people who are or were homeless. Believing in experiential learning, we and our teachers took part in the tour and explored the unseen side of the reality of life in the streets. Every step of ours was a step into the lives of hundreds of our fellow citizens facing homelessness and a step further into our own personal ‘rebirth’!

Nothing is the same after the tour and nor will it ever be! That’s what we are taking back home and that’s what our students will learn from us. Thank you Shedia! Thank you, James Bown! Thank you, our fellow citizens.

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