Our (pre-)Kinder young learners celebrated the end of the school year in the most COLOURFUL way! Inspired by the book The day the crayons quit by Drew Daywalt, the children – the true ‘rebels’ of this world – took action and turned everything topsy-turvy! Fighting for a good cause, they helped the crayons stand up for their rights and got Duncan (and Lemonia) to “colour inside the lines” while teaching them how to think outside the ‘crayon box’ by using their imagination and creativity. And once magically mixed, the crayons spread their magic and helped us all see life through colourful-tinted glasses! What else to ask than a life cast in the symphony of different colours?
At the end of the show, our young artists were called to the stage to receive their certificates! And just like that – and before you can say Jack Robinson – they turned into (pre)-Kinder graduates with their mortar boards on! Congratulations to all! We really hope you enjoyed your ‘colourful’ little treat! See you in September, hopefully with a bit of tan (that counts as a colour, ha?)!