Screening of the acclaimed documentary by Roco Beliç on misinformation in the digital age
The film explores the mechanisms used by certain media to formulate emotion, and especially the uses of misinformation in order to instigate fear, and the way in which fear in turn promotes racism, political polarization, and mental health disorders.
The screening is part of the "UNESCO 10th Global Media and Information Literacy Week” and aims to raise public awareness about misinformation in the digital age and media literacy. Using compelling human stories, real events and expert testimony, the documentary highlights the ways in which public opinion is manipulated and suggests a better way to consume the media.
The screening is followed by a discussion moderated by journalist Fanis Papathanassiou.
The event is prefaced by:
Panos Kouanis, President and CEO, EKOME
Nikos Panagiotou, Associate Professor, Department of Journalism and Mass Media, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Rosemary Smith, Managing Director - Getting Better Foundation, Impact Producer - “Trust Me” Documentary
As the director of the film notes, "The internet, while it opened a world of information to billions of people, has enabled an insidious counter-force: the mass dissemination of misinformation (accidental) and disinformation (intentional). [...] [In Trust Me] I’ve combined a lifetime of research and travel experiences with the participation of experts in media literacy, journalism and fake news, to create a film that will stimulate public debate so we can fix these problems."
Watch the trailer of the documentary movie Trust Me (2020):