A 4-day Masterclass from Hollywood’s legendary movie producers Sid Ganis and Nancy Hult Ganis.
An intensive seminar on a film’s producer’s journey with Sid Ganis, former elected President of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and Nancy Hult Ganis, American TV and film publicist, writer, producer and developer as well as the co-founder and partner of Out of the Blue…Entertainment.
- Class 1—Developing the script—Screenwriting/research.
From an original idea, book, article, news item—into a script for the visual medium. This session will show the importance of a story --character development, creating tone and style, locations, —and how important it is to get the script right before reaching out to a director and then actors. The chicken or the egg—when and how to sell the idea or script.
- Class 2—Direction of the team—The director steps in.
Pre-production. How the script leads to the director, cinematographer casting agent, actors, production designers, costume designer, and the myriad of talent brought together to bring the story to life.
- Class 3—Call to action—The on-set circus and ring masters.
How the film family comes together on sets and locations with each department leading their own team from artists to transportation to locations supervisors lighting, constructions, props, planning but always in coordination with the producer(s) to make sure things run smoothly and on time. Who are all this people?
- Class 4—When the shooting stops—Pulling it all together.
The editor, sound mixer, recording artists, special effects begin to come together in the editing process. Today, in the digital world, that can start when the shooting starts but is completed at the end to clean up any problems, insert necessary elements, correct any dialogue defects and complete the musical score. With the finished film, the process of marketing and distribution takes place and all that entails.