The exhibition Cries for Help is open to the public, at the Hellenic American Union Hadjikyriakos-Ghikas Gallery (Massalias 22, 10680, Athens), till February 12th.
The art curator of the exhibition, Louisa Karapidaki, and its scientific director, Fouli Papageorgiou, guide the audience through the exhibition on the following dates:
- Tuesday, 1/2/2022 | 18:00
- Saturday, 5/2/2022 | 11:00
- Wednesday, 9/2/2022 |18:00
- Friday, 11/2/2022 | 18:00
Due to the current health measures against the pandemic, it is necessary to present a vaccination or illness certificate for COVID-19 upon admission to the guided tours.
More information about the exhibition