Participating in the Greenpeace International “Paper boats” campaign for the protection of the seas, the Hellenic American Union EcoFans Club visited the Greenpeace boat Αrctic Sunrise which was at the Flisvos Marina on April 6, 2013.
Students at the Hellenic American Union English Program, members of the EcoFans Club, contributed to the Greenpeace campaign in their classrooms, making a part of the paper boat fleet that escorted the Αrctic Sunrise in its trip to Brussels for the European Union Fisheries Ministers Council meeting in June.
The yellow paper boats from Greece accompanied the Arctic Sunrise to a number of European ports carrying a plea to protect the Greek seas.
EcoFans Club members, parents, and friends, met on Saturday, April 6, at 10:30 am, at the Flisvos Marina, next to the Αrctic Sunrise. EcoFans members handed their paper boats to the crew and then they were given a tour on board the Αrctic Sunrise.