Our Pre-kinder and Kinder students bid farewell to this academic year through a series of fun activities and celebrations!
It all started with their rather unconventional painting exhibition entitled ‘A year full of laughter, let’s see what we sought after’. The main entrance of the building proudly served as their gallery space housing their artistic gems! A place was also reserved for their special ‘monument’ in memory of all those socks that are no longer with us…Where did they go, we do not know! But what we do know is that losing one sock of a perfectly matched pair can create ‘art’ and teach us that although we can ‘fly solo’, searching for our pair is our mission.
After the exhibition, our little artists and proud students for the year 2021-2022 received their Pre-Kinder and Kinder diplomas in a most lavish graduation ceremony!
And believe it or not, that was not all! Our little ones turned into actors and there you go… ‘Season Mix’ was the play to show! Ice cones paired with snowflakes, butterflies and bees paired with brollies and leaves … through dancing and singing they all mixed!
And when the curtains fell…
Up the balloons went and so did the confetti and off to a new start cos our little ones are ready!!
Happy Summer!