Christmas means lights, friends, milk, and cookies! Speaking of cookies, Cookie the ex-toy maker elf and now acclaimed inventor was the protagonist of our Christmas story. Cookie was an inspiration to everyone! Who said that elves are destined to only make toys? What about inventing them? And inventing is exactly what Cookie did! But working alone is neither fun nor productive, so to the rescue came our little team, aka our lilliputian elves! Together, they saved Christmas by using their imagination, creativity, and some magic bandages to fix Santa’s sleigh.
And once the sleigh was good to go, in they put the ‘presents’ load and lo… Santa was ready to ho-ho-ho!
And since all work and no play is never fun, our elves committed themselves to some serious dancing, singing, playing, and eating cookies of course (what else could it be?!). No worries, we left some for Santa, too!