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Core Courses

This course aims at the C2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and is part of the overall program of Greek courses that Hellenic American Union offers. The course includes reading, writing, listening and speaking components that draw on new trends in educational technology and language teaching. 

At this level, students are typically expected to be able to:

  • understand with ease virtually everything heard or read,
  • summarize information from different spoken and written sources reconstructing arguments in a coherent presentation,
  • express themselves spontaneously, fluently, and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations,
  • produce clear, detailed, and well-structured texts on a variety of complex topics showing extensive but well-balanced and fine-tuned use of organizational patterns, connectors, and an array of cohesive devices.

This course provides practice in vocabulary, grammar, speaking, listening, reading and writing.

  • The listening component typically consists of listening to a variety of radio interviews and commentaries, conversations, discussions on TV programs, lectures, technical or scientific analyses etc.
  • The speaking component typically focuses on pronunciation practice, discussions and presentations on various topics, descriptions events, dialogues, role-playing, presentations and analyses giving both sides of an argument, etc.
  • The reading component typically includes a variety of genres and text-types, such as: articles from magazines-newspapers and websites, scientific and academic articles, interviews, technical and scientific essays, autobiographies, excerpts from literary books, etc.
  • The writing component typically consists of writing descriptive and opinion essays, articles, descriptive narratives and complex texts on any topic, showing appropriate use of organizational patterns, connectors, and cohesive devices.
  • The grammar component includes the complete verb system and its subcases, adverbs having two different forms and meanings, past participles, the conjugation of archaic verbs, etc.
  • The vocabulary component focuses on phrases, connotations, synonyms-antonyms, word building, collocations, idioms, sayings, proverbs and sophisticated vocabulary associated with the topics under discussion. It also includes words and expressions from Ancient Greek and the purist variety of Modern Greek, as well as vocabulary related to current issues.
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