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Αdvanced MS Excel for Business

Information Technology
15 hours
€ 190.00

MS Excel beyond basics:  Take your Excel skills to the next level

Learn how to manage large and complex worksheets and workbooks, using formulas, functions, charts and tables, pivot tables. 

This workshop is designed for anyone who wants to use excel in order to manage, analyze and present large amounts of data.

New dates: 13-18-20-25-27/11, 10.00-13.00

Early bird until 6/11: € 220 € 190

This workshop is offered in Greek.  See more information in our Greek page.

Our MS Excel seminar can also be offered as in-house training for companies and groups of individuals, tailored to specific requirements based on their every day tasks and data that they manage.

Contact us today at 210-3680911, or fill in the form below to help you design your in-house MS Excel seminar together.

Contact our Academic Advisor
  • Excel Interface, Tabs & Ribbons​
  • Conditional Formatting
  • Visualizing data (Charts, Sparklines, Infographics, Maps)​
  • Sorting ,filtering and calculating lists​
  • Using Pivot Tables to group & filter data​
  • Viewing & Printing large spreadsheets​
  • Importing CSV files and Converting Text to Columns and TEXT functions
  • Scenarios, Goal Seek and Solver
  • Data Validation
  • IFs and SUMIF functions
  • FORECASTING Calculations​
  • VLOOKUP Function​
  • Creating a Dashboard from multiple sheets (slicers and timeline)

Not sure if this MS Excel seminar is for you?  Contact us at 210-3680911, or fill in the form below

Talk to an adviror for more information!

What our students say about us

Ήταν η πρώτη φορά που περίπλοκες λειτουργίες του Excel μου φάνηκαν εύκολες. Κατανόησα και κατάφερα να χρησιμοποιήσω όσα έως τώρα μου φαίνονταν ακαταλαβίστικα. -Νεφέλη Αγκυρίδου, Διευθύντρια Online Media, Star Channel


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