Hellenic American University is pleased to announce the launch of a second scholarship fund financed by the Hellenic American Union. This time, the scholarships will be awarded to eligible applicants from the greater metropolitan area of Ioannina. According to Vicky Branika, CEO of Hellenic American Union, the initiative marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the organization’s first testing center in the city for the University of Michigan’s English-language certificate examinations.
Successful applicants can begin their studies with the intensive minimester, which begins on November 1st. Undergraduate degree programs can be pursued onsite or in hybrid mode via synchronous online video sessions.
Students at the University of Ioannina who are interested in pursuing in parallel a second degree at Hellenic American University are also eligible to apply. (In the past, students from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and the National Technical University of Athens have obtained a second degree from Hellenic American University in fields such as Business Administration, Psychology, and English Literature alongside their primary studies).
The new fund comes several months after the launch of a Hellenic American Union-funded scholarship program for applicants from Preveza. Thanks to this assistance, three students from the region of Preveza are now studying in the University’s B.S. in Business Administration and the Bachelor of Music programs.
Individuals who wish to be considered for a scholarship should contact the Hellenic American College by phone (2103680950) or email at admissions@hauniv.edu by October 25th, 2021.